
I understand.

I’m Dr. Jordan Robertson, a Naturopathic Doctor and the Author of Carrying to Term, a practical guide for women looking to reudce their miscarriage risk. 

After having 3 miscarriages myself, I turned my research-brain onto this major women’s health issue, and have spent the last 10 years putting together the information that most women never hear from their doctor about their fertility and miscarriage risk. 

If we teach you how to understand your own risk, and how to take control of your fertility, you not only will feel more in control of your fertility journey, but will also be your healthiest. Fertility and miscarriage are connected to your overall health, and you deserve to feel in the driver’s seat, and to have the pregnancy of your dreams.

By downloading our complete list of lab work, you will have a checklist to compare against the lab work your doctors have already done, and a tool to start a conversation with them about being properly assessed. Download our guide, and use it to get the most out of your care. Your doctor can help you understand the results, and what to do about them.

The book Carrying to Term outlines all of the tests, the optimal numbers to shoot for, and how you can make simple changes to your health to optimize yoru fertility and reduce your miscarriage risk. Check it out for the fastest way to get started on your journey